Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Wednesday...oban back to mooring

Quiet morning headed back in no wind ..  motored with polly pilot doing most of work.  Stripped out depth reader to return to nasa.

Tuesday..5th July Tobermory.. Kerrera

Again bit of a motoring trip.. though got to goose wing for two thirds  the Way down the Mull.   Decided  to grab a mooring behind Heather island.  Popped a shore but bit disappointin.  Then jess what started to rain, headed back to the boat.  Fiddled with the radio wiring ..seems to be sorted ..connection to the switch looks the guilty connection.  If happens again will need to replace.  Unfortunately the depth reader seems to be buggered  the screen rather than the transducer. But then the sun came out...☺ only neighbour left had place to our selves

Monday, 4 July 2016

View off back off boat Tobermory

Image this is what a caribbean bay might be like . With out the fleece i have on

Tour de Mull

Hired a car today for a tour of Mull. Took hours winding our way around the island.  Finished of in Cafe Fish.. Our best fish restaurant ever. Now sat on board watching last rays fall over Tobermory bay.

4th July car hire round Mull

We saw otters, an eagle catching it's prey in the ferns next to us, gorgeous cows and loads of very stubborn sheep walking up the road with their lambs.
Off to Cafe Fish for dinner at 6pm.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

At Tobermory

Spent day with wind on the nose motoring.  Now at tobermory Pam still in shower so me having Guinness