Saturday, 24 July 2010
21st July Wednesday -Isle of Canna
What a night!!! From the wonderful previous evening, by 01.00am the weather turned quite nasty. Winds increased to force 6/7 with gusts of 34 knots (Gale 8). Got up at 02.30am to check boat was holding on it's anchor. It was, phew!! BUT it was not the same case for some others who, had started to drift and, boats were drifting about the anchorage trying to get their anchors back in. I decided to stay up on deck to keep an eye on things, as i didn't fancy someone hitting us or us starting to drift. However my recently designed and purchased riding sail stopped the boat from yawing about and potentially, pulling the anchor up as it has the potential to do. Best spent money ! Morning came but the wind continued all day! But by now i was confident we weren't going any where. That was until some boats arrived late after noon from the Clyde cruising club ( what they were doing out in that weather i don't know) But with all the boats already in and the wind still blowing that had a night mare trying to anchor as the only spots left had a lot of weed, (not good for Anchoring) Some were taking over an hour to anchor dropping and lifting the anchor several times. One guy was still at it 2.5 hours later and finally gave up and tied up the ferry terminal. Another night was with me on anchor watch in case other drifted as by now i was more confident we were staying still. All was well !
20th July Tuesday -Isle Of Canna
Finally escaped Dunvegan, with another early start along with the local fishermen. Have seen enough of Skye for at least 10 years!!! - Again very little wind, so motor sailed most of way. Got to Canna mid afternoon, and there was only a handful of boats ( that Changed - as did the weather, from this lovely view) Had a great walk about the island. Which now has about 20 folk on it down from, the 436 in it's hey day!, but they have 4 Churchs to look after their souls. BUT they had a recently open restaurant, which was very nice. Got back t the boat, later by which stage we had been joined by others.
Monday, 19 July 2010
19th July Monday -Dunvegan
Returned car this morning and the lady ran us down by car to the bus stop. Avis never do anything like that for me! In fact all the folk we have come across have been great, willing to help, suggest places have a chat. The weather starting to look better so stocked boat up with fuel and water as planning an early start. Then lay about reading/sleeping /fishing. In the sun. Planning on going to Canna tomorrow .
18th Sunday - Dunvegan
Did tour off island went over to the east Isle Oransay and Armadale! The across and up to Uig which was Ugh! Went for a lovely meal in the old school house as recommended by the locals in the bar! And managed to navigate back to the boat. Can't imagine what our neighbours thing we have been coming and going all week!! While they've remained on board... bit strange!
17th July Saturday - Talisker Distillery

Decided to hire a car as it was cheaper than a taxi for one trip to Talisker. Infact we got it from Saturday 13.00 to 10.00 on the 19th (as they were shut on the Sunday) Any way drove over to Talisker, and sampled did tour and bought bottle! Picture is off the oldest cask 1979 which sold for £215 per bottle ! Seems young compared to brandies in France that go back to the II world war! Drove about after that. Sun was out by the pm.
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